Friday, December 10, 2021


There was a lengthy discussion about Hilary Clinton on MSNBC today and they are drooling over the possible rerun between Hilary and Trump. They can see their ratings rising back to the good old days. Both of these candidates will be the same age as Biden was last year. Hilary's plan is to move to the center much like Bill did. She says the party should not be run by the far left. She spoke at length about the evil person that Trump is but said nothing about his policies except what she called, "his Muslim ban". She said he tried to overthrow the government on January 6th. If I could advise her I would tell her to forget about his personality and concentrate on policy and that would guarantee her lose. Talk about the border, about crime, about schools, about China, about taxes, about inflation, about energy, about defense budget and about policing. More realistically speaking if the party as a choice between her and Biden and Harris she will win the nomination.

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