Saturday, December 4, 2021

Coming late

When a person comes late to work or school it is disruptive and disrespectful to those who are on time. When I worked at a plant in Indiana we had a policy of disciplinary time off with pay. When a person was late on a regular basis they would be told to take a week off with pay and during that time decide whether they could get to work on time or not. All of the people either came to work the following Monday but no later than Tuesday and that usually solved the problem. This past week in high school they announced that if 95% of the students in your class were on time your class would have a chance at a prize. In business if you continually show up late to meetings the boss will take note of that and at your annual review you will lose points that will effect the size of your raise. Every student can be late on occasion but I know from experience some students come late on a regular basis and nothing is done about it. They might be in for a rude awakening when they leave school and go to work. One teacher has a sign on his door that says if you are late, go to the office and get a pass. He closes his door when the bell rings and it is very rare that anyone comes late. The school does not like this policy saying they don't have time to issue passes to anyone who comes late. To make matters even more difficult to work with, the students coming late are dis-proportionally Black. Under the unwritten law that teachers live with, known as pick your battles, the teachers just ignore the late student.

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