Thursday, January 26, 2023


Big surprise. Congressional investigators are finding out that the bureaucrats are not responding to their request for documents in what is called a timely manner. Can these investigators be that naive. The bureaucrats run the government and they are not interested in giving up any of their secrets. Republicans and democrats think they are fighting each other when in fact they are both being controlled by the bureaucrats and these Washington insiders are not about to expose any of their inner workings. As long as the two political parties are fighting with each other the non-elected are safe. If some elected official is accused of malfeasance the non-elected can convict them or prove their innocence. They do this by either leaking information, withholding information or just releasing false information. The only way to stop them is for them to accuse and convict themselves. For example if congress subpoena's someone to testify and this person holds information about those inside the government they just refuse to appear and congress slaps them with contempt. The chief insider, Attorney General, decides not to enforce the contempt charge and its all over. Congress has subpoena power but no power to enforce. These career government employees now have both Trump and Biden under their thumb and they can determine who survives and who dies. Over the years the elected have ceded more and more of their power to the non-elected and this is the price they pay. The press who long ago went to sleep have not yet figured out what is happening. The only way for the people to regain their government is for the voters to demand change because any elected official who tries to take back power from the non-elected will be destroyed. An informed electorate is the only way out of this mess.

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