Sunday, January 15, 2023

Whose the boss

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its probably a duck. The aura of mystery surrounding the Biden's and their relationship with the bureaucracy is beginning to look like a duck. The most recent example is the way the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is handling the secret documents found in Biden's home. They are supposed to notify congress when this happens but not only haven't they done that, they have ignored request from the congress for comment. These bureaucrats work for the president so they are in a difficult position and for all intents and purposes their hands are tied. This conflict of interest must be addressed. In the overall scheme of things this problem with documents is a minor affair but the same situation exist with major problems. It is much like the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, the Attorney General, who works for the president and is often asked to investigate things within the administration. It is like asking a subordinate to investigate the boss. Remember when Eric Holder said he was Obama's wing man. It would be highly unlikely that he could be convicted of any misdeeds because he would have to convict himself. This leaves impeachment as the only recourse for high crimes and misdemeanors, a process which requires a two/thirds vote in the senate. In a nutshell bureaucrats are like professors with tenure. Their safe unless the president wants to get rid of them. The elected officials may think they are in charged but from an operational standpoint the bureaucrats are running the show. We will see this power when the republican congress tries to get information from the Justice Department.

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