Thursday, January 12, 2023


The news just revealed that some of the top secret documents were stored in Biden's Corvette. This reminded me of an incident that occurred many years ago when I was working for Pillsbury. I was sent to a small town in Indiana to start up a new plant. I arrived with only a small order book to purchase what ever was needed. People in town new who I was and what I was doing there so this book was as good a cash. I purchased many items including a new company car. After a month I received a stack of 500 pre-printed checks with the Pillsbury logo and I put them in the trunk of the car. About a week later an office manager was sent and he took over paying the bills so I forgot about the checks. About a year later after I had moved to Alabama I discovered the checks and returned them to the company headquarters in Minneapolis. Sometimes things just happen but in my case it was not illegal.

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