Thursday, January 19, 2023


Bob Dylan said, the times they are a changin, and at a faster rate today. BLM is on the way out. Wokeness is being challenged on all fronts. Schools are going back to academics. Jobs are coming home. Critical Race Theory is fast disappearing. Teaching gender transfer is no longed acceptable. Cancel culture is starting to backfire. The one area that is still hanging on is equity. Instead of striving for excellence people are settling for mediocrity. Instead of students getting grades A thru F the new goal is C's for everyone. Although being a C student myself, I still think grades should reflect effort. Bad mouthing police is no longer in vogue. There is a awakening about the border problem. Fentanyl, child abuse and crime have force people to get more involved. Meritocracy smacks of capitalism and many prefer socialism. Recall Orwell who said socialism is where everyone is equal but then he added that some are more equal. Immigration should be based on merit like many countries practice. Being weak on crime as a way to make up for slavery is not working. Tearing down statues and changing the names of schools is out. Not to mention changing pronouns to fit new genders. Things are going back to the old norms, the way things were 10 years ago.

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