Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Shop lifting

Chicago, like many large cities is plagued with crimes one of which is shop lifting and the question is why and what can be done. Stores are moving and/or closing because of theft and on the famous Miracle Mile 30% of stores are closed. The Cook County States Attorney will not charge a felony unless the amount is over $1,000. As if to pour salt on the wound Illinois will become the first state in the nation to end cash bail completely. The majority of voters must be okay with this since the mayor is running for reelection next month and is favored to win. Her opponents are more liberal than she is. Chicago is the latest city to be hit by rampant shoplifting and its Magnificent Mile, the once highly-populated retail destination, is now dotted with empty storefronts as businesses are being driven away by the brazen thieves. It is well known that technology is ahead of the law and this is a case in point. People shop lift to sell items on E bay and the law has not caught up with this new marketing idea.

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