Wednesday, January 11, 2023


In the 1970's school based health centers came into existence. It wasn't long after that they started dispensing prophylactics both contraception pills and condoms. By the 1980's students were taking ADHD meds often times on the recommendation of the school nurse. The school nurse can explain to a student how to get an abortion without parental permission. Recently children have been given meds to change their gender and in some states can do so without parental knowledge. The latest thing in the news is treatment of obese children which includes meds and surgery. So far these require parents approval. In the past few years the number of children diagnosed with ADHD has increased by 30% and now effects 10% of all children. The over medication that has effected adults is now working its way down to children. Per capita spending on prescription drugs increased seven fold since 1980 from $140 to $1,073 adjusted for inflation. Coincidentally this increase occurred since advertising drugs on TV became legal in 1978. In 2020 TV ad spending on drugs accounted for 75% of the total TV ads. While this is a lot of money it is only a part of what is spent. In 2016, the pharmaceutical industry spent $29.9 billion on medical marketing in the United States, including $20.3 billion for marketing directly to health care professionals. This is money to doctors.

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