Thursday, January 26, 2023


Often times when people look back over their lives, certain things come up that they wish they could change or something they they wish they had done differently. The same thing happens for countries. Slavery had been around since the dawn of man and did not end for most of the world until the 19th century. The slaves were brought to the US by European slave traders even though no slaves were sent to Europe. If Americans today were given a chance to change history what would they most like to change. Many feel it would be the dark years of slavery. If the slaves had not been brought to America how would things look today. First off there would be very few Black American as they would be descendants of West Africans living in West Africa. West Africa today is among the poorest nations in the world. About 90% of the population lives in poverty, with little access to food, decent housing, water or sanitation. Terrorism and violent extremism threaten the stability of the region. If a poll were taken today, asking people if they had the power, would they erased slavery from our history, what would be the response. Would the answers from Black Americans be different than from White Americans. Would the longing for freedom cause Black Americans to say they would give up the life here for a history of remaining free people. We cannot change the past but if we could, would we necessarily make things better. Do we have that much wisdom?

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