Friday, January 20, 2023


It is often said, by certain groups, that the United States was built on the backs of slaves. There is some truth to that especially in the agrarian south but not so much in the industrial north. The north was where the innovation and new manufacturing ideas developed. Names like Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, Edison and JP Morgan and thousands more like them led the way. Most of them have two things in common. First they were almost all WASP (White, Anglo Saxon Protestant) and all were male. Even the presidents aside from Eisenhower, Kennedy and Obama were WASP. The New York Yankees baseball team is sponsoring a WASP night where all the players will wear white to commemorate the contributions of these past leaders. Anyone who is not comfortable wearing white is welcome to participate and attend. They will not be admonished, ridiculed, insulted or called unpleasant names. Everyone is invited to participate in this great event in any manner they choose. I always enjoy a little satire. It makes me think.

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