Thursday, January 12, 2023

Joe in or out

Here is the latest conspiracy theory. Prior to the midterms Biden was slipping fast and the party insiders were planning his early exit. With the help of the abortion issue the elections did not produce the Red Wave and Joe got his second wind. The bosses had planned on using 2023 to groom Joe's replacement but those plans went awry and now they must use plan B. The first step is to find ways to discourage Joe and the misplaced secret papers have opened the door. Never in history as a special prosecutor been appointed this fast. This prosecutor will follow the path of those laid before him and travel far and wide exposing all of the suspected dealings of the Biden family. This may even effect Hunter as the plan was to just charge Hunter with some innocuous tax scheme to show they were not biased but now they may dig into his dealings with China and Ukraine. Joe may figure out what is going on and decide to fight in which case the insiders may have to reconsider and accept Joe as their nominee.

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