Sunday, January 29, 2023

Crime in NY

Murder rates follow general crime rates and in NY City the data shows the trends. During the 70's and 80's the murder rate held at about 2,000 per year but in the early 90's it spiked up to 2,500. At that time the city made a number of changes in the policing and by 1997 the murder rate dropped below 1,000. This downward trend continued until 2019 where 550 murders were committed. What happened. The city took a get tough stance on crime. The police force grew by 35% while the number of prison inmates rose 24%. A program called, "Broken Windows" was instigated. This was the strict enforcement of the law and arrest for misdemeanors increased by 70%. The theory was that if people are deterred from small crimes it will deter big crimes and it worked. The last few years the crime rate has once again increased and the causes are fewer police on the street and fewer criminals in jail. From 2019 to 2021, murders went up 51%, shooting up 104%, burglaries up 16% and car theft up 91%. The brunt of the increase is borne by Blacks who make up 24% of the cities population but were victims in 65% of murders and 74% of shootings. The same is true for felony assault and rape.

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