Tuesday, January 24, 2023


The new republican congress is telling the public that they will investigate but they are all smoke and no fire. The administration has said they will only answer legitimate questions and they will determine what is legitimate. So the committee can then subpoena documents and people to testify and if they refuse they can hold them in contempt of congress and ask the Justice Department to prosecute but Justice will not take any action. The only hope for the investigators is to get the public on their side but the press is aligned with the bureaucrats so they will not help. The republicans would be better off without control of congress because with it they will be a do nothing congress but without it they could stand on the sidelines and criticize. In this topsy-turvy world of politics winning is losing and losing is winning. The only upside is that most republicans understand that just creating new money to finance new programs is not sustainable. This means they will be the Scrooges who refuse to help the poor and downtrodden with new programs.

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