Monday, April 6, 2020

Man in the arena

I used to work in manufacturing and the quality control department wanted to have a perfect product and the production department wanted to have a lot of product and so there was some tension between the two. In smart plants these two departments did not let the perfect be the enemy of the good since on this earth nothing is perfect and they compromised with something less than perfect. This is similar to what is now going on with the virus. To start the economy today would be foolhardy but to wait two weeks until after the last case is resolved would also be foolish. This decision must be evaluated daily and at some point in the future the economy will be reopened and most agree it would be best to lean toward the safety of peoples health. The talking heads on TV will let Trump make the decision and then be ready to say how he should have done it differently. Those in the stands always criticize those on the field. Time to reread Teddy Roosevelt's, Man In The Arena.

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