Thursday, April 2, 2020


As war time comparisons are made about the virus, I remember in WW 11 we got our news mostly from radio and newspapers. Today that news would be called propaganda which it was but people wanted to hear it. The news reels in the movies would show great American victories and radio people like Gabriel Heatter would start each broadcast saying there is good news tonight. Hollywood produced movies like 30 Seconds Over Tokyo and God Is My Co-pilot which I as an 8 year old boy watched in amazement imagining that I was a pilot. The government was given the power to censor the news and it did just that. There may have been some that objected but I never heard about them. What I remember are service flags in windows, victory gardens and troop trains. Our house was next to the Wabash RR and everyday trains would pass with soldiers waving from the windows and I saw them as hero's and my mother said they were just boys.

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