Sunday, April 26, 2020

Open or not

A tale of two workers. John works for the government and he is at home and nothing has changed economically in his life. His pay check keeps coming in and all of his benefits continue and when this is over his job will be waiting for him as if nothing had happened. Joe started his new business five years ago and beat the odds since half of all new businesses do not make it five years. Joe used his life's savings, borrowed all the bank would allow, got a second mortgage on his house, got help from his parents and worked 80 hours per week and has kept his doors open. Now the virus has taken all that away from him. He has applied for grant money to pay his employees but his request is tied up in red tape. Joe is anxious to open up the country but John says wait so we won't have a second virus attack. Its all in the eye of the beholder or in this case the wallet of the beholder.

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