Sunday, January 23, 2022

Biden on crime

Crime rates increased slowly during the 1950's and accelerated in the late 60's and through the 70's and 80's then leveling out in the early 90's. The Clinton crime bill was passed in 1994 and there was a dramatic drop in crime and that continued until two years ago. Murder rates per 100,000 in the 50's were 4.5 and rose to 9.5 in the 80's and then dropped back to 4.5. President Biden was known for his stance against crime and was instrumental in getting the crime bill through senate. Biden was criticized for his work on the bill as the liberals began a shift toward reducing penalties on criminals. He then apologized for his part in the crime bill and joined forces to restructure police departments as a part of which was to reallocate resources away from direct policing to things like using social workers to handle certain types of police work. As city governments moved to reduce penalties and removing bond restrictions crime rose quickly and today Biden says he is for increasing funding for police. He has to walk a fine line between getting tough on crime and not alienating the far left of his party a small but powerful group that wants to keep no bail policies and reducing many felonies to misdemeanors. Polls show that crime is a big issue for voters and only 36% approve of how Biden is handling crime.

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