Tuesday, January 11, 2022


History buffs will remember Dunkirk, the seaport where 350,000 British and French troops were surrounded by the Germans in the early years of WW 2. Churchill sent boats of all sizes and shapes across the channel to rescue and they were able to evacuate everyone and all of Britain called it a great victory but Churchill, always the realist, said we left behind all of our equipment and wars are not won by evacuations. This whole situation was recently recreated as the US military left Afghanistan in a rush leaving behind all of their equipment and the evacuation was called a great achievement. Churchill would see things differently. If the US had first removed the people, then the equipment and then the military while keeping Bagram Air Base the situation could have been a successful end to the 20 year war but instead the US pulled the troops leaving the people and the equipment behind. How will history buffs remember this?

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