Sunday, January 23, 2022


As the world watches the situation in the Ukraine unfold, experts ask if this is a repeat of Hitler's move for power. When Putin took control in Russia in 2012 he said the worst thing that happened in the 20th century was the demise of the Soviet Union. He wanted to rectify that much like Hitler wanted to reverse the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler started with the annexation of the Rhineland in 1936, followed by taking over Austria in March of 1938, then the Sudentenland in September of 1938 and Czechoslovakia March of 1939. The West finally responded in September of 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland but with the benefit of hindsight, many feel the West should have acted sooner. The 2008 war with Georgia allowed Putin to enter the country and take territory. In 2014 Putin annexed Crimea and then moved troops into eastern Ukraine. The world once again sits on the precipice of powerful country attacking its weaker neighbors in order to add territory. As with Germany the US, an ocean away, says it is the responsibility of Europe to slow down the advance of Russia. The argument centers around the question, is Russia moving into Ukraine a threat to the safety of the United States. Just like in the 1930's most Americans say no. Can another proxy war be avoided if the US increases supplies of oil and natural gas while convincing Germany to cancel the Russian gas pipeline and applying economic pressure through the international banking system?

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