Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Climate meetings

It is very difficult to research the cost of various energy products because much of the cost of renewables is hidden from the public to avoid showing the large amount of subsidies. Here is the best info I can find and it looks good for nuclear. The following is the cost per KWhr. Coal 5.6 cents, natural gas 4.8 cents, Wind 18.4 cents, Solar 23.5 cents, Biomass 9.7 cents, uranium nuclear 5.5 cents and finally small thorium plants 2 cents. One of the many nice things about thorium is that it is found every where so one country will not have to depend on any other country. One of the reasons that wind and solar are so high is that they only operate 30% of the time and they need backup. The 2 cents for thorium is low because it is based on the cost coming down as new units are produced. This is the cost of the 1000th unit. Initial cost with only a few units will be much higher. Many climate meetings have been held but until you can beat the cost of coal countries will only offer lip service which is what has been happening. Stockholm in 1982, Toronto 1988, Rio de Janeiro 1992, Kyoto 1997, Copenhagen 2009, Paris 2015, and Glasgow 2021.

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