Tuesday, January 11, 2022


Some in the west are concerned about the growing friendship between Russia and China but those two countries must be a bit leery as they recall the WW 2 agreement between Russia and Germany. When two dictators get together there is always mistrust as deals between such tyrants are not worth the paper they are printed on. The same can be said for any agreement between Iran and the West regarding nukes. Trump meeting with Kim Jong-un is in the same category. Discussions with dictators should always be suspect. History is replete with examples of dictators breaking their promises. Chamberlain return from shaking hands with Hitler in the Munich agreement saying peace is at hand and two months later Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia. On a small scale during the Iraq war the Iraqi tanks would head toward the US forces with their gun turrets turned to the rear meaning surrender and when they got close enough they would turn and fire. The message is clear, watch what they do, not what they say.

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