Sunday, January 2, 2022

Top stories 2021

Everyone gets a chance to lay out their opinions on what are the most important stories of the year and I want join the crowd and list the major stories in the US. 1. Inauguration of a new president. 2. January 6 riot at the Capitol. 3. The debacle leaving Afghanistan. 4. The mess at the border. 5. The treatment of police 6. The rise in serious crime especially murder. 7. The rise in the cost of most items. (inflation) 8. The protest that in many cities that overflowed from 2020 9. High profile trials. Kyle Rittenhouse, Jussie Smollett, Ghislaine Maxwill and Ahmaud Arbery. 10. The supply chain mess. 11. CRT and BLM. 12. Covid 13. Civilians in space. 14. First female VP. 15. Trump impeachment. This list is not in order of importance because that is too difficult but Covid is going away the number one story of the year.

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