Thursday, January 6, 2022


As the end of Biden's first year approaches it is time for review. He started off great as the healer, the man who would bring the country together and that lasted for five months when he encountered the first snag. In August he withdrew our forces from Afghanistan and his job approval which was 57% at the time started a steady downward trend going to 43% in September and 41% today. He promised to have Covid under control by July 4th but he didn't count on variants. He sent out trillions in free money and inflation rose up. He stopped the border controls that Trump installed and illegals flooded across. Crime has become a major problem especially violent crime. The results of all of this can be seen in the polls. His approval rating on the economy is 40% on Covid is 45% on inflation 31% on the border 23% and on crime 36%. His major accomplishment was the passage of the long awaited infrastructure bill which provides $1.2 trillion dollars for various projects. These will not be underway for some time and many will be delayed by environmental concerns. Polls show there is serious concern about Biden's ability to serve a second term.

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