Sunday, January 9, 2022


Here is a quot from the Washington Post. From the moment Sen. Joe Manchin III started raising concerns about President Biden’s social spending bill, the outrage hurled at him from some fellow Democrats was pointed and personal. Instead of talking with him about the policies in the plan they just resorted to personal attacks. This has been standard procedure for some time now. Rather than have a civil discussion about policy they just hurl insults. Manchin's family has been threatened. It is not too late. Biden can make some public statements about the plan and its policies and talk about the parts that Manchin likes. Meet again with Manchin and find out what he will go for and reach a compromise. Manchin offered a $1.8 trillion dollar compromise and it was rejected. Not too long ago that much money would have been a great victory. Get back together and work through that point by point and see what happens.

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