Tuesday, January 18, 2022


These days, when many Americans are looking toward socialist ideas to reach income equity using the Obama phrase of spread the wealth around, it is time to review the recent history of post war Viet Nam. The first step of the new Communist government was to ban private ownership of property. People were relocated to rural areas to form collectives. In these everyone shared the work and the products from work evenly what is today called equity. The Viet people, who by nature were entrepreneurial, were not comfortable sharing the fruits of the labor began to flee the country and many came to the United States. These new immigrants became responsible citizens and many successful business owners, meanwhile back in Nam the economy collapsed and collectivism once again failed. The economy of Vietnam remained in dire straights until the mid 80's when they followed the China policy of opening up to free market principals led by large numbers of small businesses much like the Vietnamese Americans have done. If one compared the economies of North and South Viet Nam before the war the data shows that the GDP of the south under free market rules was twice that of the North under communist rules .

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