Friday, March 31, 2023


Having a good memory is certainly an asset for a college student and it is particularly helpful in law school. Students there must not only learn the law but study many past cases which they refer to a precedent. Picture if you will a student who has a perfect memory and can read books at an accelerated rate. He never forgets anything. The summer before school he read every law book ever written, memorized the transcripts of every court case and listened to recordings of every law lecture. Would he make a great law professor. Doesn't matter what the course is because he knows all. He is a computer. The next question is could he be a great lawyer and practice law in real court cases. Is having total knowledge of the law plus instant recall of any case make him a good lawyer. In the interim could a lawyer use this computer as an associate. Could he input all the known facts of a case and get out the best way to present the case. If it starts this way will the computer get better with each case like a lawyer does and one day be better than the lawyer.

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