Friday, March 24, 2023

Teachers quitting

Teaching is a tough job and more so today than in the past for one important reason and that's because so many students did not learn respect for authority in the home. Teachers are leaving the profession at alarming rates and surveys show student behavior challenges are one of the top reasons. Ask most people over 50 what were the disruptive students like when they went to school and you will get answers like not paying attention, talking in class, passing notes and making strange noises. There were student fights but they happened outside not in the classroom. Today there physical attacks against teachers, students fighting in the classroom and using drugs in the bathrooms. Does anyone over 50 remember school shootings. Surveys show that 2.8% of students have carried a gun to school. Today when a student is being disruptive and the teacher cannot control the situation the assistant principal is called in and if the student refuses to leave the classroom all of the other students are escorted out leaving the problem student alone in the classroom. Schools are hesitant to suspend or expel students because when this was done in the past it resulted in a disproportionate number of Black students being disciplined. Students know this. There are many single moms who do a yeoman's job but there are many more fatherless homes where young boys do not learn respect for authority. Many of those boys feel that people in positions of authority are disrespectful of their rights.

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