Sunday, March 26, 2023

Young people

Most of the industrial world outside of the US is running out of millennials (ages 20 to 40) and this puts the US in the catbird seat as far as the future goes. In addition many of those crossing the southern border are young single males who can be added to the millennial group. The country most adversely effected by this loss of workers is China. They are short because the country people who used to have lots of kids have moved to the city where they have fewer kids and the one child policy that was in effect for 35 years. The US has another advantage over China in that people from around the world want to come to America but no one wants to go to China and if they did China is so prejudice (95% Hun Chinese) that the people do not want immigrants. From a demographic standpoint the US should welcome the illegals coming across the southern border and find a way to give them citizenship. Those who are afraid of how they will vote or the cheap labor must realize that the need for these young people out weighs what they see as negatives. They have to take off their political blinders and put the country ahead of their politics. Fat chance. In addition organized labor is not too keen on new immigrants. China is on the downward path and it will be accelerated because of their policies of unfair trade and stealing ideas. Meanwhile the US is moving out of China as fast as possible with companies like Apple leading the way. The US will have to come up with sources of rare earths mined in the US. The US is blessed with the topology needed to be self sufficient and as always protected from foreign countries by the oceans. The rare earth metals use in wind mills, solar panels and EV's will have to be rationed in order to provide for military and most high tech products like TV's and cell phones. While the process of bringing home manufacturing is going on say for the next 5 years prices will rise along with inflation but after that the country will be self supporting and inflation will settle down. During this time of relocating factories it is true that inflation will be high but the growth will be huge. All new and more efficient manufacturing facilities combined with the planned infrastructure building will provide high paying jobs and a booming economy. During this transition wind and solar and EV's will remain with fossil fuels and by the time we are thru this period hopefully the folly of wind and solar and EV's will be recognized and the country will proceed to thorium nukes to replace fossil fuel. No I never give up.

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