Thursday, March 23, 2023


President Biden in 2021 said, Biden said White supremacists are the greatest domestic terror threat in the US during a town hall event. One study found that “right-wing attacks and plots,” including by White supremacists, constituted a majority of terrorist incidents in the United States from 1994 to 2020 and a majority of deaths in fourteen of the twenty-one years in which fatalities occurred In 2021, domestic extremists killed at least 29 people in the United States, in 19 separate incidents. This represents a modest increase from the 23 extremist-related murders documented in 2020 but is far lower than the number of murders committed in any of the five years prior (which ranged from 45 to 78).   The white supremacist movement has a number of different components, including 1) neo-Nazis; 2) racist skinheads; 3) “traditional” white supremacists; 4) Christian Identity adherents; and 5) white supremacist prison gangs. This places the murders of about 50 people per year ahead of the 9,000 Black males killed by other Black males. In addition Five Black women and girls were killed each day in 2020, most of them with guns. Gender violence must be at the center of the gun debate, advocates say Why would Biden say this. This tends to divide the country not to unite the country.

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