Sunday, March 26, 2023

People in charge

It is time for the citizenry to wake up. It is the job of the people to make sure the government does not get out of hand and assume to much power. For most of the countries history the citizens were helped in this endeavor by the free press but that is no longer the case. The US left Afghanistan in the most awkward way and the press reported what the government said that it was the greatest air lift in history. The border is like a sieve and the government says its secure and the press dutifully reports that. The states were blasted with 200 days of rioting in 28 cities where billions were lost, businesses closed, public buildings set afire, police officers killed and many more wounded and the press reported peaceful protest and one mayor even referred to it as a summer of love. If you get the vax you won't get Covid and you won't spread Covid and that was accepted as gospel. The press has become a propaganda arm for the government. The people have to take charge and not be influenced by party politics. Instead use their common sense. If you are able to disconnect from a biased view based on one political party the picture looks quite different. You can see that immigrants should be giving citizenship increase taxes on the rich especially the super rich states should have the right to determine their own laws especially in areas like schools police should be respected and well paid as well as backed up by the city officials the border should be secured having Israel working closely with four Arab countries is better than Saudi Arabia and Iran joining forces preventing government from influencing social media demanding an exit strategy from Ukraine instead of just jumping on the band wagon to sending aid. report on the damage caused by the mining and disposal of metals needed for wind and solar. more coverage on issues and less about personalities. Forget about likeability and talk policy. find out who is making money on the war report on excess salaries for CEO's. promote school choice where the money goes with the student promote private unions promote a living wage of $30 per hour minimum. investigate why college tuition rose as government loans became available follow Clinton's advice when he said welfare should be a helping hand not a way of life push for drug treatment clinics and housing for homeless be willing to sacrifice for the common good have election day be a holiday and have 4 weeks of voting to allow for ballot harvesting

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