Thursday, March 30, 2023

Prices up

The green deal has been controlling government policy for 30 years and it is about to come apart at the seams. As the push for wind and solar continues to grow the price of energy will continue to increase and at some point people will come to the conclusion that keeping my house warm next winter is more important than climate change. A sneak preview of that scenario popped up this past year in Europe and in particular Germany. Germany shut down their nuclear plants and replaced them with wind and solar. The had to keep their natural gas for back up when the sun doesn't shine and wind doesn't blow. Because of a lack of foresight they quickly ran into a problem. They discovered that they don't have enough wind and sun so the prices started to rise. This was further aggravated by the loss of Russian natural gas caused by the war in Ukraine but the rise in price was there before the war and will continue.

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