Thursday, March 23, 2023


While pundits are talking the 2024 election they concentrate on the candidates but that is not what will determine the winner. The winner will have the best ground game when it comes to gathering up ballots and here is the proof. Year total votes Black votes 2008 131 million 15.8 million 2012 121 million 14.5 million 2016 139 million 15.0 million 2020 155 million 18.6 million This started in the 2018 Governor's election in Georgia. The democratic candidate Stacy Abrams led a new ground game that went door to door collecting ballots in something called ballot harvesting and the voter turnout was a record. The democrats quickly saw the writing on the wall while the republicans were asleep at the switch. The 2020 presidential election results clearly showed the results of this new method of campaigning. In 2016 Trump got 63 million votes and won and in 2020 he got 74 million votes and lost. The longer the open voting period combined with drop boxes the more important the ballot harvesting becomes.

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