Tuesday, March 7, 2023


As the republican congressional hearings get underway to investigate alleged wrong doing, many conservatives anxiously await some smoking gun that will prove criminal activity but they are in for a surprise. There have been crimes committed but exposing them will be next to impossible. First off they must get the wrong doers to testify and anyone that has damaging information will refuse. Then the congress will issued subpoenas to force them to testify but the Justice Department will not enforce the subpoenas. The same is true for subpoenaed information. Then the congress will threatened to withhold funds but since the government operates using an omnibus bill which has all the allocated money under one umbrella the congress will have to withhold all funds which means shutting down the government and they will not do that. The result is all of the bluster about holding peoples feet to the fire is just that, bluster. No bureaucrat is going to come forth with information that proves criminal activity against the government. We have a dozen whistle blowers who have come forth without being subpoenaed and still nothing happens. This is not based on party loyalty since the same thing happened when Trump was president. It is the bureaucrats protecting themselves.

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