Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Speech police

The oft repeated phrase that America is a divided country is not just along party lines. It seems to be spreading into all aspects of life. Rich vs poor, public schools vs school choice and BLM vs all lives matter. Does this division help any one group and if so what group. Some say it helps the politicians since it keeps voters divided so that whataboutism can cover their mistakes. This then leads to people switching their dislike from things to people. If someone questions any action they are criticized for their intolerance. They are shamed into silence and accused of some type of phobia. This can happen to a person who merely expresses a personal opinion and this can threaten free speech. Even today if someone questions our purpose in Ukraine they are called Putin apologists. This is one way to silence any anti war conversations. People who called Covid the China virus were accused of xenophobia. Those who question the activity at the southern border are called racist. The list of words and subjects which are off limits is getting longer by the day.

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