Monday, March 27, 2023

Super fund

Here is a term unfamiliar in today's news. Green resource curse. This includes the damage to the earth caused by the mining and disposition of the elements needed for the new green deal. The reason the term is unfamiliar is that no one wants to talk about it. Years ago plant managers here in the US would put deadly chemicals in steal drums and bury them knowing full well that sometime in the future the drums would leak and the chemicals would leach into the soil. Years later hundreds of sites around the country, places like the infamous Love Canal had to be dug up and cleaned up at a cost of $400 million dollars but only after all the people who lived there moved. As of August 17, 2022, there were 1,329 Superfund sites on the National Priorities List in the United States. Forty-three additional sites have been proposed for entry on the list, and 452 sites have been cleaned up and removed from the list. We are knowingly doing the same thing today but not here in the US but in countries around the world. We have learned to ship our dirty laundry over seas.

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