Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Green Party

Climate change became a front page issue about 40 years ago and it started off on the right foot by saying we will use all available energy sources to solve the problem . This meant in the minds of most people all renewables including nuclear. Somewhere along the way things got political and instead of concentrating on climate the emphasis shifted to social change. Here is from the Green Party web site. It seeks to solve the climate crisis by combining quick action to get to net- zero greenhouse gas emissions and 100% renewable energy by 2030 along with an “Economic Bill of Rights” – the right to single-payer healthcare, a guaranteed job at a living wage, affordable housing and free college education. Most people are unaware of the social engineering part of the Green Party solution so polls show that a vast majority of people want the green program. We need to approach climate change from the standpoint of climate without the social program to get to the heart of the matter and here many prefer to put their heads in the sand. They realize they were taken in by the green claim and now must admit they were caught unawares by the social aspects. The first clue should have been when the Greens pushed nuclear out of the solution. The Greens have now joined forces with the fossil fuel industry to ignore nuclear. More evidence is revealed daily showing that wind and solar will not replace fossil fuels so everything is shifting toward the social, the part called the Economic Bill of Rights. Meanwhile China and India keep burning more coal.

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