Sunday, March 26, 2023


Prior to WW 2 shipping lanes around the world were in constant jeopardy from various pirate like activities some state sponsored but after WW 2 the US navy was so big and strong that the US guaranteed the safety of all ships. This open the door to globalization where countries could trade without the danger of being hijacked. Over the past 20 years the US has moved from a destroyer based navy to a carrier based navy and thus shipping is no longer protected because it takes hundred of destroyers to roam the oceans and the US no longer has that many. This is one of many reasons why globalization is on the way out. As the US transforms into a made in America country trade will no longer be important but that is only for North America. The rest of the world will still be dependent on foreign trade and the perils that go with it. When people say God bless America they should more appropriately say God blessed America.

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