Saturday, October 28, 2023


While Trump had many policy successes during his term there are other like minded politicians who could do the same thing if elected in 2024 but there is one area where they would not be as effective as Trump and that is what he famously refers to as draining the swamp. The bureaucrats in Washington have become so powerful they now represent a forth branch of government with more influence on the economy than the legislative or executive branches. This happened over the past forty years while the congress was stymied by partisan differences and all too often by disagreements with the executive. While these two groups fiddled the Romans lost their way. This malady spread into states and local governments which are now filled with people whose job is to write and enforce regulations on all aspects of daily life. They are everywhere and involved in everything. Many people of the liberal bent are going to run into these regulators when green deal projects come on the scene. The cry of shovel ready jobs will be drowned out by paper work as the environmentalist march on to save the planet. This is just one more reason why wind and solar will not replace fossil fuels. The answer is nuclear. Last year even Greenpeace founders admitted that nuclear is the way. (NewsNation) — A former director and founding member of the environmental organization Greenpeace says he disagrees with the group’s stance on nuclear energy. “Nuclear energy is the safest of all the electricity technologies we have,” Dr. Patrick Moore told NewsNation’s “Special Report.” Here was the Greenpeace position in 1971 when it was founded. Greenpeace has always fought – and will continue to fight – vigorously against nuclear power because it is an unacceptable risk to the environment and to humanity. The only solution is to halt the expansion of all nuclear power, and for the shutdown of existing plants. The people, many well meaning, who are pushing wind and solar today are making the same mistake that Greenpeace made. They are holding back the real progress that nuclear would bring in solving the problem of climate change

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