Wednesday, October 4, 2023


There is a new theory of the world floating around called "The Great Simplification" and its bases is the running out of fossil fuels and deglobalization. While this idea is correct when it comes to deglobalizing it is not correct on the energy side. These theorist seem completely unaware of thorium nuclear power. The say that since we are running out of cheap energy (fossil fuels) the world will have to contract and people will be forced to get by on less. It appears to many that the ignorance of thorium is by design so they can predict a doom and gloom future that will sell books. This type of strategy has been used many times in the past to sell certain ideas. In fact the opposite is true. With the onset of cheaper energy (thorium) along with new technology and new production facilities the world will manufacture needed products in more efficient way and bring a new wave of prosperity. It will not be equal at first since certain areas like North America have distinct advantages but in time this will spread to other areas like Asia and Africa. There are many advantages to thorium and one of the most important from the standpoint of developing countries, is the desalting of sea water to grow crops in the desert. This will lead to an abundance of food allowing time for other activities. This same thing happened thousands of years ago when man moved from hunting and gathering to planting crops and it will happen again on a much larger scale.

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