Thursday, October 19, 2023

New jobs

The oil that was produced from most all wells before fracking was called heavy sour meaning it had contaminants like sulfur and heavy metals. These got into the oil because of the way the oil formed. Oil from fracking is light sweet meaning it has far fewer contaminants like sulfur and heavy metals. This is because the oil from fracking was caught in rocks before it could pick up contaminants. The refineries around the world before fracking were designed for heavy sour crude and the US has been in the process of converting refineries to process light sweet oil. This takes time and in the interim there is a shortage of refining capacity for sweet crude. Thus the US is exporting light sweet crude and importing heavy sour. In the next few years there will be a shortage of oil world wide and this is exacerbated by Russia's decision to stop oil exports. Looking down the road five years or so the US will be the world's biggest producer and exporter of oil. The same will be true for natural gas which is a bi product of oil fracking. The US will need this extra oil and natural gas as building of new facilities will double the US manufacturing capacity in the next five or ten years. There will be many good paying jobs for people who have basic skills like reading and writing and can be trained on the job. The new plants will use the latest technology including AI and will require technicians as opposed to engineers. Companies will hire students right out of high school and train them. This is a great time to be a young person just coming in to their work careers,

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