Friday, October 6, 2023


California where only 23% of students are proficient in math will make changes in the name of equity. Students will take algebra in 9th grade instead of 8th as it was in my day. But in my day no students took calculus in high school. Taking algebra in 8th allows the students to take calc in high school. This is the gateway to STEM when they get to college. The country is in dire need of engineers and scientist and these careers require calculus. STEM careers also promise jobs that pay more to the point where students can afford to pay back their loans. High schools can be set up to provide four years of math for students who are interested in STEM and two years of math for those who are not interested. Right now third year students are required to take algebra 2 and chemistry and this should be there only for those who want to follow careers in STEM. Others should spend that time on other classes that will improve their reading and writing skills.

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