Thursday, October 19, 2023


Watching the news about Israel is mindful of the fact that wars fought since WW 2 have been different. When the US entered WW 2 the purpose was to win. There were no discussions about limiting attacks based on collateral damage but that has not been the case since WW 2. In Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan the politicians not the generals have been fighting the war with one small exception. When Trump came into office ISIS was terrorizing people and Trump told the military to defeat them and then got out of their way. In short order ISIS was destroyed. Let the military do what they do best. They only thing that is accomplished when you go to war part way is that more of your troops are placed in danger. Israel has declared war and hopefully they will go in to win and not be concerned about collateral damage. Innocent people are going to die and that is what war is all about. If you try to go at war with the intent to limit collateral damage you will put your troops in an untenable situation.

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