Monday, October 9, 2023

Financial plan

A good financial life time plan includes three parts. First is the accumulation of estate during your working years. Second is the early retirement years and third is the late retirement years. So you have worked forty years and have built up your assets and now is time to retire. The next ten to fifteen years you spend your time doing all of those things that you talked about when you were working but by age 75 or so things that looked interesting when you were younger take on a different feel. Now is the time for you to begin to reduce your estate by transferring assets to your heirs. To do this properly means you must start at least five years before you can no longer function on your own. If you fail to plan in advance you make things more difficult and sometimes your heirs will not receive much of what you worked your whole life for. When you retire it would be to your advantage to discuss things with an eldercare attorney.

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