Thursday, October 26, 2023

What not why

This is a short synopsis of WHAT happened to the country these past almost three years. Trump was sailing along towards a second term when Covid hit and derailed his campaign. Fortunately he left us with the vaccine and the country in good shape. This was followed by the disastrous retreat from Afghanistan where instead of bringing out the people then the equipment and then the troops the people and equipment were left behind. Next came the attack on the oil industry which caused the country to move from energy independence to dependence. This was followed by the rise in transportation cost which led to inflation which led to higher interest rates. Next the border policies that were working were disbanded and illegal crossing increased five fold. The justices system was contaminated with social equity which led to DA's who refused to prosecute, the removal of cash bail and bashing police which caused a spike in crime. The sanctions on Iran were removed which allowed billions in oil money to flow into Iran. The Abraham Accords were on the way to a possible settlement in the Middle East. The next step if for the politicians to move in with the WHY. This is where both parties explain why the other party was the problem but the people are not interested in why. One interesting political change was in the past year the experts who said that Biden was the only one who could beat Trump are now saying that Biden is the only one who cannot beat Trump. The American people want to know what is going to be done. Here are some reasonable suggestions. First expand oil and natural gas production to ease hold the inflation rate. Re institute the border policies of the last administration including the wall. Get tough on crime by bringing back cash bail, forcing DA's to enforce the law and start backing the police. Push government policies that will encourage reshoring which is already underway. Place an oil blockade on Iranian oil shipments to cut off their money and the allow Israel to deal with the Gaza war. Resume the Abraham Accords to bring in the Saudi's. Sit down with Putin and negotiate a peace settlement which allows him to keep the Donbas region and a commitment not to bring Ukraine into NATO and then start the process of rebuilding Ukraine and start the flow of grain shipments to Africa.

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