Monday, October 9, 2023


The Jews feel like they have to respond to the attack against their country and this will play right into the hands of Hamas as they want to see a lot of innocent Palestinians get killed. They will put civilians in with the soldiers to increase the death toll. This they hope will draw other countries into the war. About all Israel can do is to try and get world opinion on their side. One way to do this is to turn the tables on the hostages. Hamas hopes to use these hostages as bargaining chips. In 2006 the Israeli's traded one hostage captured by Hamas for 1000 Palestinian prisoners many of whom had been convicted of deadly attacks on Isrealis. The Jews can now send a letter to Hamas published in the news saying they have 48 hours to release the 100 hostages. If they refuse then following the precedent set in 2006, of 1000 to one, the Jews will proceed to kill 100,000 Palestinians. When innocent civilians are killed, which always happens in war, the Jews can say we tried.

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