Sunday, October 22, 2023


When the subject of wind and solar comes up, no one ever asks the question as to how airplanes will fly. The reason they don't ask is because planes cannot fly on batteries for the same reason ocean liners, rail road locomotive, heavy manufacturing machines, heavy military tanks, and heavy farm equipment cannot run on batteries. That is why thorium nuclear power is the answer. Thorium reactors produce so much heat they can run power plants to produce electricity but also make hydrogen. Hydrogen can be combined with carbon dioxide from the air to produce gasoline, aviation fuel and diesel. This is needed because diesel is energy intensive compared to natural gas. One gallon of diesel contains 138,000 BTU's while natural gas contains only 69,000 BTU's. There will still be heat left over to desalt sea water. Experts say that food and energy will be in short supply in the future and thorium nuke plants solve both those problems while operating carbon free and/or neutral. The three main uses of fossil fuels are power, transportation and chemicals. Thorium will provide the electricity produced by power plants, the energy needed for transportation and hydrocarbons used in related industries like chemicals. There will be no need for windmills, solar panels and electric cars and all of the associated problems with mining, processing and disposing of dangerous elements like cobalt, lithium, copper and rare earths. There will be no heavy metals spewing into the atmosphere and no acid rain. We will have clear air and clean water.

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