Tuesday, October 17, 2023


The categories of victim and victor have been replaced by oppressed and oppressor. In the 1960's certain groups came to understand that there were advantages to being a victim. It could move you to the head of the line when it comes to jobs and promotions as well as getting into certain schools. It could entitle you to certain government benefits. There is money to be made. Jesse Jackson formed the Rainbow collation and demanded payment from companies under economic threats. BLM collected millions from corporations lest they be called racist. It started with companies but quickly spread to individuals where it goes by the name of identity politics. Cancel culture comes after those perceived to be oppressors which means they say or do something not acceptable to certain groups. Teachers who say all lives matter or there are only two genders can be embarrassed or even ridiculed and subjected to social pressures to change their thinking. More and more people are just staying quiet about how they think rather than put up with criticism from people they don't know not to mention that in some cases they could lose their job. This brings up the subject of Woke. Woke means addressing issues of inequality, oppression and discrimination in society. Woke run amok means attempting to silence voices who disagree.

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