Wednesday, October 25, 2023


The Trump domestic policies were so successful that his equal success in foreign policy is rarely discussed but it to was formidable. The low crime, secure border, pro police and defense, low inflation and energy independence over shadow the Abraham Accords and the sanctions on Iran. The Accords brought the two big Arab oil producing countries of UAE and Bahrain to signing normalization agreements with Israel. Israel already had peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan and Saudi Arabia was warming up to the idea. The long awaited Middle East peace was closer than at anytime. When the US became energy independent the Saudi oil became less important and the Saudi's were worried about losing the umbrella protection provided by the US. Iran with a much larger military was threatening the Saudi's and so the Saudi's wanted to get friendly with the US again. The stage was set for real progress but hopes were dashed when Hamas murdered Israeli's. One way to get things back on track is to block oil shipments from Iran, forget about nuclear bomb negotiations and put back the sanctions that Trump installed. Iran has anticipated the oil embargo by opening a shipping port on the Gulf of Oman which will bypass the choke point at the Straights of Hormuz but it would be simple for the US to block those ships. Everyone knows that Iran is the money and power behind the Gaza War.

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