Wednesday, October 11, 2023


For some years now the concept of the oppressed and the oppressor has become popular in the US. Any minority group is considered the oppressed and this leads to the idea of victim-hood. If you are in these groups you deserve special treatment to make up for real or perceived mistreatment. This is the basis of reparations to the descendants of slaves. It was the basis for affirmative action. It changes the way people are tested for different jobs. It gives an edge to some for promotions. Its impetus is something called equity or equal results but equity only applies to victims. It is mindful of Orwell who said in socialism all people are equal but some are more equal. This is the thinking that causes some to champion the Palestinians as they invade Israel. The Palestinians are seen as victims. The income of a Gaza resident who works in Israel is six times higher than the average worker in Gaza and equity demands that their salaries be equal. 200,000 Palestinians enter Israel each day to work.

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