Monday, November 27, 2023


The democratic party has always has its share of coastal liberal elites but these were combined with a large group of blue collar working people so there was a kind of balance in the party. In recent years starting with Reagan the blue collar group has moved away from the democrats and the number of college educated mostly White people have moved into the democratic house. For many years the secret that democrats wanted to keep was that those in charge felt that the little guy could not take care of himself and needed the wisdom of the elites to guide and protect them, often times protecting them from themselves. It was imperative that this secret be kept for the elite did not want to seem as though they knew what was best, even though in their hearts that is exactly what they felt. This was particularly evident in the way minorities were seen, people needing the help of those who were wiser. Over the years the working class and minorities discovered that things were not really improving that much even though they were told that things were getting better. That is happening right today with Bidenomics. The elites feel that things are going well but people are just not smart enough to understand and that the big problem is in the messaging not in the policies.

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